Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rod Serlings Twilight Zone

The old black and white are such good shows. I have a lot of favorites but the ones that stick out are:

** THey are on the moon and they are being shipped back to earth and they were super hot on the planet.

** She was getting surgery to look like everyone else because she was the odd man out but when they showed her face she was beautiful and the people around here had all strange faces.

** The guy was killed but I dont think he realized he was dead. He got all these great things and was granted all these things to him and he kept winning and kept getting anything wanted. He asked at the end this is a strange heaven then the guy says what makes you think you are in heaven?

** The old man marries a young wife and then he takes something or does something and he keeps getting younger and younger but then towards the end of the show he's just a child. Reminded me of that Brad Pitt movie he was in.

There are quite a lot of great shows but these ones stick out right now. There was another new one or might be old I'm not sure where she has the choice to stop time and then she stops it right when a nuclear bomb is just about to hit earth! I loved that one too!

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