Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jersy Shore

I find myself really liking this show. I mean it's just funny and silly how they can put a camera on them while they go out to party, drink, have dinner together and so forth. I like to see who fights next and who sleeps with next. What a weird form of entertainment. The reality shows of cameras set in a room where people are living together and sometimes don't even like each other. It kind of seemed foreign at first. I didn't even know what a quido was actually. I like their cheesy accents, dark tans, short tempers, mulitiple partners and funny hook ups. I thought it was silly for the called the sweetest B**** you'll ever know to get mad at Snooki and JWoww for writing the letter. I mean she kept asking tell me tell me and then when they do they get all pissed. Plus, I felt bad Vinny got turned down by that one girl. Hello Vinny she's a stripper at a nightclub. I mean you called her classy but she was just a pretty statue to look at. It wouldn't have lasted anyways.

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